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Home / Tag 8 cm Bofors ld M29 /

05 - Geschiedenis M29 en M30 kanon-2

04 - Geschiedenis M29 en M30 kanon-2.jpg 04 - Geschiedenis M29 en M30 kanon-1Thumbnails06 - Geschiedenis M29~M30 kanon-304 - Geschiedenis M29 en M30 kanon-1Thumbnails06 - Geschiedenis M29~M30 kanon-304 - Geschiedenis M29 en M30 kanon-1Thumbnails06 - Geschiedenis M29~M30 kanon-304 - Geschiedenis M29 en M30 kanon-1Thumbnails06 - Geschiedenis M29~M30 kanon-3

Geschiedenis M29 en M30 kanon

Although the Germans did not need the 7.5 cm version, the Swedes still opted for production and standardization. The new gun (like its later German successor) had a center-angle design. The gun was mounted on four folding side legs in a cross shape, allowing 360° rotation, but a clever solution allowed the gun to be tilted on one axis in the transport position, making it as towable as any field gun. One of the main advantages of the gun over its German successor was its simpler fire control system, which made it easier to handle and last but not least cheaper. Thus, the gun became available to many countries to modernize its air defenses. The Swedes made the gun in two different calibers, the 7.5 and the 8 cm, the former being called m/30 and the latter m/29. These guns formed the backbone of Swedish air defense during World War II and immediately afterwards.
