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00b-Radar Codering-2.jpg 00a-Birth of radarThumbnails01-Radartutorial-2.pdf00a-Birth of radarThumbnails01-Radartutorial-2.pdf00a-Birth of radarThumbnails01-Radartutorial-2.pdf00a-Birth of radarThumbnails01-Radartutorial-2.pdf00a-Birth of radarThumbnails01-Radartutorial-2.pdf00a-Birth of radarThumbnails01-Radartutorial-2.pdf

AA radars in use are indicated. As an example may serve the searchlight radar AN/TPL-1.

A N /
Army Navy

serial no.
Where is it
F—ground. Fixed setup
M—ground. Mobile
T—Ground. Remotely placeable (transportable)

What is it

What does it do
G—fire control (gun directing)
S—warning and/or detection
X—identification and recognition

The most recently developed types of radar devices for antiaircraft artillery use a simple designation in America
with the letter M (model) and a serial number. These radar devices are namely no longer included in the liaison service and thus no longer fall under the liaison service but under the Ordnance
Department". This equipment service summarizes the radar equipment under
the name Fire Control System. Thus e.g. one of the new American radar units intended for anti-aircraft artillery, designated as: FCS (AA) M 33.

6.2 English Encoding.
In England, the anti-aircraft artillery uses being radar devices, a coding is applied that starts with the letters.

AA (anti-aircraft). Then follows a number, indicating the target
what the radar is designed for and a serial number. this tracking number,
preceded by the letters Mk indicates the order of entry into service by the military.
The numbering with which the target for which the radar is designed is
is indicated is as follows:

AA #1: Older Alert Radar;
AA No. 2: Searchlight radar;
AA No. 3: Fire Control Radar;
AA no. 4: detection radar;
AA No. 5: Warning radar (long range).
Also the radar devices of foreign manufactures are indicated in the manner described above. Thus e.g. the United States supplied to England during the war
SCR 584 known to the British Anti-Aircraft Artillery as the AA No. 3 Mk 5

Bron: T. Boersma Lt. Document: het oog van de Luchtdoelartillerie